Proposed NM Cannabis Facility Tests Upper Valley’s Tolerance

On Gardner Road in the Upper Valley, it’s hard to tell where Texas ends and New Mexico begins.

Martha Martinez, who lives along Gardner, said half of her property is in Texas and the other half is in New Mexico.

“I’m the last person in Texas and the first person in New Mexico,” she said.

The intertwined proximity of the two states – New Mexico, where marijuana is legal, and Texas, where it is not – is under strain as a cannabis production and retail facility looks to expand into the rural footprint.

Martinez and her neighbors recently came together to push back against a proposed cannabis growing facility, consumption lounge and retail store.

On Thursday, the Doña Ana Planning and Zoning Commission voted 3-2 against the approval of a special use permit for Brandon May, the applicant, that would allow the cannabis facility in a rural part of the county.

“We’re happy about the ruling, but the challenge is not over,” Martinez said. “From what I’ve heard, they’re going to appeal. We’re going to have to prepare for phase 2.”

May told the commission that his proposed production facility, drive-thru retail and consumption lounge was going for a winery vibe.

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