Bavaria Bans Cannabis for Oktoberfest 2024


Bavaria Bans Cannabis for Oktoberfest 2024 by Cannabis & Tech Today

Bavaria’s iconic Oktoberfest will enforce a ban on cannabis smoking at public festivals, including this renowned beer celebration.

Additionally, local authorities in Bavaria gain the authority to restrict cannabis use in public areas such as outdoor swimming pools and parks like Munich’s Englischer Garten, according to German news agency dpa.

#Bayern stärkt den Kinder- und Jugendschutz. Wir werden das Kiffen in Biergärten und auf Volksfesten verbieten. Außerdem soll den Kommunen ermöglicht werden, das Rauchen und Dampfen von #Cannabis|produkten in öffentlichen Bereichen zu untersagen, an denen sich regelmäßig viele…

— Markus Söder (@Markus_Soeder) April 16, 2024

Bavarian Health Minister Judith Gerlach highlighted the importance of limiting cannabis consumption in public spaces, particularly for the protection of children and young people. 

“Our aim is to limit cannabis consumption in public spaces,” said Bavarian Health Minister Judith Gerlach. “That is important for health protection, and especially for protecting children and young people.”

This move follows Germany’s recent legalization of small-scale recreational cannabis possession nationwide, with Bavaria’s conservative-led government notably opposing this legislation.

The new nationwide rules, effective April 1, permit adults to possess up to 25 grams of marijuana and grow up to three plants for personal use. 

However, Bavaria’s strict interpretation extends to banning cannabis smoking in designated areas like smoking rooms and outdoor sections of eateries. The ban also encompasses the heating and vaporization of cannabis and its products. 

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