Banned Pesticides, Covid 19 Found In 80% Of Illegal Cannabis Samples From Germany And Europe

Even though Germany partially legalized cannabis on April 1, allowing people over 18 to possess up to 25 grams of dried cannabis and cultivate up to three plants at home, most marijuana consumed still comes from the black market.

The reason for this could be a combination of the slow roll-out of cannabis associations and the power of habit. Regardless of the reason, consumers should be aware of the quality of cannabis acquired from illegal sources.

Sanity Group, one of Germany’s leading cannabis companies focusing on medicinal marijuana, CBD wellness products and adult-use cannabis recently conducted laboratory analysis of black market cannabis collected from 30 German and 10 other European cities, including Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Frankfurt, London, and Madrid. The study conducted a broad examination of non-cannabinoid substances found in street cannabis.

Around 200 volunteers sent samples of their black-market cannabis to a research team using sealed test kits. Sample integrity was ensured by filming the opening of newly purchased cannabis with timestamps.

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