Billion-Dollar Strike: Farm Bill Amendment Could Change The Hemp Industry

Senate Agriculture Chair Debbie Stabenow‘s (D-Mich.) proposed that the 2024 Farm Bill include a subtle yet profound amendment poised to reshape the hemp industry. Released Monday, the bill revises key regulatory language, replacing “delta-9” THC with “total” THC and explicitly including THC-A in the calculation of total THC content. This adjustment preserves the 0.3% THC threshold on a dry weight basis but redefines how it is measured – a critical change for the billion-dollar hemp and CBD markets.

The bill also introduces a revised definition of “industrial hemp.”

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Key Changes In Hemp Regulation

The bill replaces “delta-9” THC with “total” THC as the metric for determining compliance, ensuring that all forms of THC, including THC-A, are included in …

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