Can LSD Therapy Calm Anxious Dogs? First-Of-Its-Kind Study Uncovers New Possibilities

A groundbreaking study conducted by researchers from Spain’s Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria has shown that low-dose LSD may provide a safe and effective treatment for dogs suffering from anxiety. This independent study, published in Veterinary Research Communications, is the first of its kind to explore the effects of the psychedelic on a canine patient, revealing promising results with no adverse effects.

The case study focused on a 13-year-old dog named Lola, who struggles with severe separation anxiety. Researchers administered a single dose of 1cp-LSD, a derivative of LSD and observed the dog’s behavior over five hours. Throughout the study, Lola was exposed to anxiety-inducing situations, such as her owners leaving the house, a scenario known to trigger distress in the dog.

Findings And Observations

Though there was no significant change in behavior …

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