Europe’s Top Cannabis Consumer Still Criminalizes Use, Forfeits Economic Gains

France maintains one of the strictest cannabis policies in Europe, prohibiting recreational use, possession and cultivation. Paradoxically, it also has the highest cannabis consumption rate on the continent. As the French government grapples with mounting public debt –currently at 112% of GDP– legalizing and taxing cannabis presents a potential fiscal lifeline.  

France Could Unlock Major Gains By Legalizing

The country’s stringent laws lead to significant law enforcement costs and strain on the judicial system. According to The Guardian, approximately 200,000 people pass through the criminal justice system annually on drug-related charges, with substantial resources allocated to anti-cannabis efforts.

However, economic analysts consulted by The Guardian suggest that legalizing cannabis could alleviate France’s financial challenges. A 2019 study by an economic advisory board within the Prime Minister’s office estimated that legalization could generate €2.8 billion ($2.9 billion) in fiscal receipts and create up to 80,000 jobs.

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