Judge Orders Removal Of ‘Illicit Cannabis’ Signs Plastered On NYC Hemp Shops By Gov’s Weed Authorities

The two hemp shops were given the green light from a state Supreme Court judge to remove the “Illicit Cannabis” signs placed on their store fronts by cannabis regulators following raids, reported Times Union.

The temporary restraining order signed by New York Judge Arthur F. Engoron suggests questions around the legality of the tactics used by state regulators and the NYC Sheriff’s Office have been raised.

Dozens of hemp store owners are already fighting similar court battles, after their shops got raided, products seized and “Illicit Cannabis Seized” signs placed on their storefronts without any hearings. They argue that the signs label their businesses as criminal without due process while creating significant financial harm and a potential blot on their reputations.

The aggressive enforcement under NYC Mayor Eric Adams‘ “Operation Padlock to Protect,” also approved by Gov. Kathy Hochul, gave the green light to a task force comprised of the NYPD, Sheriff’s Office and …

Full story available on Benzinga.com