Legal Hurdles Don’t Deter Isiah Thomas’ Hemp Empire, Announces New Collab In Colombia

One World Products (OWP) (OTCQB:OWPC) has entered into an exclusive agreement with Procepack Corp., which gives OWP the perpetual exclusive rights to buy advanced PreRoll-Er fully automated pre-roll filler systems within Colombia.

Under the terms of the deal, Procepack agreed to support OWP’s expansion in the growing global cannabis market by ensuring access to cutting-edge technology that streamlines the production process.

NBA Hall of Famer and sports legend-turned-cannabis entrepreneur, Thomas runs the largest Black-controlled, licensed hemp and cannabis producer in Colombia.

Thomas called hemp “life-changing” at a recent Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference, which is returning to Florida this April 16-17. Thomas called hemp “an opportunity not only to impact and change lives today but also down the road.”

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