Miami Airport Wants A CBD Store For Nervous Flyers, GOP Senator Blasts The Idea: ‘No Edibles Will Help With The Madness At MIA’
Miami International Airport is working on improving its services, and among new plans for advancing its operations is the idea of opening a CBD retail shop.
The airport recently issued the specification for a “Cannabis Retails Shop” selling hemp-based products, including CBD, first reported Miami Herald. These hemp and hemp-derived products are federally have been legal ever since Donald Trump signed the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (Farm Bill of 2018). Under the bill, hemp is considered to have only 0.3% delta 9 THC – the compound that makes you high.
CBD or cannabidiol is one of at least 100 non-psychotropic chemical compounds in the marijuana plant that has gained attention in the medical space for its myriad benefits, including reducing pain and inflammation, helping with certain cancer-related symptoms, possible neuroprotective qualities and as a sleep aid. Proven to help with rare and severe forms of epilepsy, it is used to produce the only FDA-approved CBD-based drug, Epidolex.
CBD shops usually sell gummies, creams and …