NRA Warns Of Legal Confusion Over Guns And Cannabis: Could Fed Ban Expand?

The National Rifle Association warns that court rulings challenging the federal gun ban for marijuana users have created a confusing legal landscape for cannabis users and gun owners alike.

While nearly half of all U.S. states have some form of legal cannabis and nearly 40 states have legal medical marijuana, the NRA noted that federal law continues to prohibit the possession of both. And, a 2024 survey indicated that 32% of Americans (107 million people) reported that they personally owned a firearm.

“Marijuana use is no longer limited to the domain of indigenous religious customs or youth-oriented counterculture and now includes a wide variety of people who use it for medicinal or recreational reasons,” wrote the NRA in a recent blog post. “Many of these individuals are otherwise law-abiding and productive members of their communities and want to exercise their right to keep and bear arms. Yet federal law continues to ban outright the cultivation, possession, and distribution of marijuana, …

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