Mass comment on the bill amending Act no. 139/1998 Coll. on narcotics, psychotropic substances and preparations. Legislative process no. LP/2024/114...
A criminal group has been seen that has printed money from selling drugs originating from a company that has been...
Politics and cannabis all neatly wrapped up into one story here.. Header image: Nawres Zoghbi Douzi Cannabis users in...
I recently discussed the past, present, and future of hemp and cannabis policy with Cole of the Cole Memo Podcast. (Note, most...
Rare Cannabinoid Company is thrilled to announce the early launch of their highly anticipated 420 deals. Offers include: Buy one...
GAINERS: MPX International (OTC:MPXOF) shares closed up 199900.00% at $0.00 22nd Century Group (NASDAQ:XXII) shares closed up 110.81% at $3.56...
April 4, a sad day for the drug research and harm reduction advocate communities worldwide with news of Russell Newcombe’s...
New Lake Capital Partners (OTC: NLCP) has emerged as a key player, capitalizing on the industry's expansion and the increasing...
At the heart of a buzzing conference room in Chicago, amidst the eager attendees of the Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference,...
Cannabis sales and distribution platform Petalfast announced on Thursday the acquisition of the sales and distribution subsidiary of Arizona-based Flow...