Nothing about spending nigh on 100 million or the business of cannabis it’s all about helping people or so we’re...
More taxpayers moneys down the shitter as there’s yet another pointless drug chat fest in Australia. Chris Minns is determined...
Well spotted by Lex Pelger You can read all his other amazing discoveries here.
Well spotted by Lex Pelger You can read all his other amazing discoveries here. Abstract Introduction: Psychedelic substances...
AGENDA at a glance (Subject to change) 9 – 12pm Main Stage Nature’s Edge Over Synthetic Pharma Oregon & Colorado:...
“People who are selling actual mushroom products or actual mushrooms online are simply agreeing to take the risk and assuming,...
Karma Koala Podcast 206: Jodi Green Founder Antithesis Law – Building One’s Own Psychedelic Law Firm From Scratch & Developing...
Law 360 A few years ago, Los Angeles lawyer Jodi Green said she felt as if her life had split...
Authored by By Jodi Green, Karina Bashir and Matt Brockmeier of Antithesis Law The psychedelic ecosystem stands at a critical juncture...
We live in an increasingly dumb world Green Market Report Cookies Retail has filed a complaint against Cookies Creative Consulting and...