Plant perfume

Cultivators can propagate higher Terp profiles in their flowers with Organic practices, probiotic growing, and correct care for the plant.   Cannabis Competitions such as The Emerald Cup and State Bear Cannabis awards in California rely heavily on “Terpene Testing.” The highest quality awards often go to the most abundant and unique Terp profiles submitted, each judge having connoisseur-level knowledge on the interactions of each one and how they affect us.

   There are so many types of Terpenes in the world; science has only just begun to touch the surface and put ink to the concepts of stinks.  Over 400 different kinds of Terps can be found in a multitude of Cannabis cultivars, each one having the ability to interact with our bodies and the Cannabinoids they express differently.  The Terp profile and the chemical testing of these elements give us a visual reference to explain how we experience the plant or the “High” we can expect.  Much like alcohol content, partnered with knowledge of what it’s made from, it dictates how we experience a night on the town.   Wine from grapes will produce a different story than Tequila made from Cactus. This is the chemistry of plants.

   With Cannabis, we call this complete interaction “The Entourage effect.” How it all interacts with one another and affects us as consumers.   Flower-Terpene and Cannabinoids.  With edibles, there is the additional layer of diet and personal chemistry or metabolism, so for this explanation- let us dip into the basics of Phytocannabinoids. It’s better known as the stuff that gets you “Stoned” or not.

   THC delta 9 is the most prominently known Cannabinoid, followed by CBD.   While Tannins, sugar, and acids create the “High, in your finest wines- Cannabinoids and Terpenes are at work within all forms of Cannabis.  Tetrahydrocannabinol delta 9, or “THC,” is followed by over 139 other types of Cannabinoids that have a direct influence on the combined “Entourage effect” that you can receive.

“CBD” or Cannabidiol has no psychoactive properties of its own. Still, when infused with other plant elements, it can have a pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effect with many medical uses.  These two elements combined can be over 50 percent of what is contained in an extract you purchase.   Lesser-known Cannabinoids such as CBN(Cannabinol) and THCVA (Tetrahydrocannabivarin Acid) are released and become bioavailable when plant matter begins to age or is exposed to certain elements such as heat but can still be seen within testing results. But when appropriately stored, even-aged Cannabis can still hold the medical benefits of Terpenes. It is essential to remember that any form of flower with a sour or urea aroma should not be smoked in a medical interaction.   I have stored some fine Kief extracts and flowers for my pain-relieving edibles for over a decade, and the rich terpenes still hit home every time I open the jars.

 Most recently, Cannabis extractions have taken to releasing a compound known as THC delta8(THCd8), which is being argued heavily within politics as to the legality of this product internationally.   Delta8 is found as a chemical within CBD Hemp, which is federally legal in the United States, Canada, and beyond.   By extracting and converting the organic molecules from the hemp plants, they use an isolating, separating, and converting process called isomerization. The practice of synthesizing naturally found elements has not yet been thoroughly researched and is currently up for debate. Still, from my experience, I can attest from judging High Times products that Delta8 has a unique psychoactive effect and produces an entirely different couchlock feeling.  However, These extracts use solvents, and when obtaining them for medical use, it’s important to note they are not organically derived and often use fake terpenoids.

 With so many Cannabis products on the market, it is important to understand the brands that you are consuming. Look towards the labeling.  This plant has amazing medical uses that cannot be synthesized with fake Terps or clever lab tricks. But many types of fraudulent Terpene companies are now making synthesized chemical aromas, some even containing petroleum bi-products.

 When we look at the trifecta of the experience of Flower-Terpene-Cannabinoids, we begin to understand the value of Full Spectrum Cannabis!   Full Spectrum refers to the concert of biology at play when all these magical elements and natural sources are available for us to use.   A smell has a specific feel, and the phytochemicals create a particular experience.  As a 20-year farmer of the hard Indica Afghooey, I have a very personal relationship and feeling that comes from my favorite Cannabis plant and its smells. I am addicted to the very aroma, though not literally or chemically.

Medical Cannabis extracts such as Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), which was known as the original Cancer-fighting plant extract, are distilled with hard-grained alcohols and are created at higher temperatures than Full Spectrum Extracts; therefore, has little to no Terpenes remaining when in consumable state.  In contrast, Organic Full Spectrum oils are made at lower temperatures, preserving the additional medical benefits of the Terpenes found in the flowers.   The highest quality of pure Terps can be found in flowers or buds and solventless extraction products such as Rosin, which is extracted from the freshest flowers explicitly cultivated for Trichome and Terpene production.

It’s becoming popular in Medical and Recreational Cannabis cultures to have “Terp Tasting” gatherings- where groups of people pair their foods and drinks with the finest Cannabis products, sharing opinions on tastes and effects or benefits with one another. It’s a great way to break bread with good friends and colleagues.  For those who prefer to consume alone, have fun with your food and infuse great recipes.  Make sure to journal how each flower or product makes you feel, and you’ll soon be able to identify which Cannabis genetics are right for you.

 Organic, Full Spectrum Cannabis of whatever Terpene profile suites your tastes or medical needs; take time to learn as you pair it with fine wines, cheeses, or whatever delightful dessert you enjoy.  This can also work in symbiosis with Wine culture, giving way to a plant interaction we are yet to discover.  Keep this reference for later, enhancing your dinner party, palate pairings, and medicinal facts as you get to know this excellent Cannabis plant.

The post Plant perfume appeared first on Weed World Magazine.