Poland Ministry Of Health Supports Decriminalizing Possession Of 25 Grams Of Cannabis, Cultivation Of 3 Plants

The Ministry of Health recently expressed support for the decriminalization of cannabis, writes Newsweed, according to translation.

Even though 73.4% of Poles support the decriminalization of cannabis, as per the recent survey by the Polish Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS), recreational cannabis use remains illegal. Marijuana legalization has been discussed for a few years and there are several measures proposing reform under review.

The Wolne Konopie Association has been one of the key players in pushing for cannabis legalization in Poland for many years. In June, when the Ministry of Health stated it would support the bill decriminalizing the possession of 25 grams of marijuana and the cultivation of four plants, Jakub Gajewski, vice president of the association, said “this is a step in the right direction, but there’s still a long way to go.”

In July, the reform gained the support of the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Michal Kołodziejczak, but activists soon realized that there are still many challenges ahead. More specifically, it is expected that President Andrzej Duda would veto the bill.

“At the moment, it is not advisable to submit the bill because Andrzej Duda will veto it,” Gajewski said. “However, we see chances for decriminalization in the second half of the term, provided that Poles elect a president who is not associated with Law and Justice. In this regard, we need to meet with Rafal Trzaskowski, a potential presidential candidate, to discuss possible pardons for …

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