RAW Passion: How Josh Kesselman Revolutionized Rolling Papers
In the world of rolling papers, few brands can claim the loyal following, cultural significance, or global reach of RAW.
Spearheaded by Josh Kesselman, RAW’s journey from a college head shop to a worldwide cultural phenomenon began decades before the brand’s official 2005 launch. With an early passion for collecting rolling papers that started at just five years old, Kesselman rose to create one of the most innovative rolling papers in the world while simultaneosuly building a community dedicated to the art and experience of rolling.
A Magical Beginning
The story of RAW begins with a magic trick. At just five years old, Josh watched in awe as his father performed a seemingly simple yet mesmerizing illusion. Using Spanish rice-style rolling papers, his father would light one, throw it in the air, and it would vanish.
“I can still remember that moment, the table, even the broken glass look of my grandma’s mirror,” Josh recalled.
That trick ignited a lifelong fascination with rolling papers, one that would later define Josh’s career and passion that would only grow through the years.
Collecting rolling papers became more than a hobby for Josh; it was an obsession. Growing up in New York and Long Island, as soon as he was old enough he bought every new paper he could find in head shops, building a massive collection. To Josh, these papers were more art than simple tools.
Their intricate designs, historical roots, and cultural significance captivated him. His early trips to head shops introduced him to a community of free spirits, where he found inspiration among the long-haired, open-minded owners and patrons who personified the ideal lifestyle.
Building a Business, Paper by Paper

In the 90s, while still in college, Josh opened his first head shop in Gainesville, Florida. With a modest monthly rent of around $450, Josh launched his store without a grand plan or extensive retail experience. Instead, he let his passion and the preferences of the community shape the shop’s offerings. “I would carry what customers suggested,” he says. Each time someone asked if he’d stock their favorite product, he would promise to have it within two weeks. The store flourished, becoming a hub for the loyal community.
It wasn’t long before Josh’s store gained a boost from international rolling paper collectors. He began trading with European collectors, swapping common American papers for boxes of unique European brands. This experience taught him a crucial lesson about the market: the appeal of premium, distinctive rolling papers was universal. Josh’s store continued to thrive, but a 1996 incident involving the sale of a bong to the daughter of a U.S. customs agent changed his path. A raid ensued, and though his rolling papers were deemed legal, Josh decided it was time for a new beginning in a more-like minded state. He relocated to Phoenix, Arizona, then a hotspot for cannabis culture, where he refocused his business almost exclusively on exotic rolling papers.
Partnering with Tradition in Spain
The turning point in Josh’s journey came through an unexpected connection. In his childhood, he’d been enchanted by a brand his father had used, Marfil Arroza Spanish rice paper with a distinctive feel and quality. Years later, Josh learned that a Spanish paper factory once produced these papers but had since closed after litigation from a huge American tobacco company. Fortuitously, Josh connected with Jose Emilio, a passionate Spanish paper maker who had managed to acquire and preserve machines and workers from that original factory. Despite the language barrier, Josh and Jose bonded over their shared love for rolling papers. Jose’s family had produced Marfil papers for generations, and together they decided to revive this legacy.
The result was Elements, a brand that encapsulated the natural elements used to create the paper. Elements found success, but Josh’s drive pushed him further. With Jose’s mentorship and the factory’s historical knowledge, Josh was ready to create his own very custom brand. Elements was followed by Juicy Jays, a line of flavored papers named after a nickname Josh had earned in high school.
The Birth of RAW: Unfiltered and Unbleached
The concept for RAW came to Josh during a particularly frustrating moment with a customer who had raved about a “natural” cigarette brand. When Josh tried it, he was appalled by its bleached white, calcium-filled paper. That experience planted a seed for what would eventually become RAW—a rolling paper that was as pure as possible, with minimal additives.
“I wanted it to be like the tribal experience of throwing hemp on a campfire,” he said.
Creating RAW wasn’t easy. The paper industry was skeptical about Josh’s vision of a translucent, naturally unbleached rolling paper with minimal additives. After a series of rejections, a small mill finally agreed to take on the project for the base sheet. Josh took a huge financial risk, putting his savings into massive rolls of that base sheet which would become RAW rolling papers. After years of fine-tuning, RAW launched officially in 2005. The papers were an almost instant hit, resonating with smokers who appreciated the brand’s authenticity and intense focus on quality.
RAW’s early success spread through “sesh circles,” a passtime we all remember with great nostalgia. These circles, which Josh considers the heart of RAW’s rise, helped the brand grow organically. By offering samples to anyone who seemed genuinely interested, Josh ensured RAW found its way into circles worldwide. Over time, these sessions connected the globe in what Josh describes as a “giant sesh circle,” where RAW papers became synonymous with the greater cannabis community.
Crafting Excellence in Every Fold
Over time, the RAW brand evolved to become more than just another rolling paper brand, embodying the virtues of quality, craftsmanship, and attention to detail. Josh’s obsession with perfection extends to the smallest elements, such as the “fold line” of each paper, which he feels must be just right to ensure an even burn.
“I’m probably the only one who cares about that fold line,” he admitted, “but if it’s not right, the experience isn’t perfect.”
RAW’s Spanish factory is where the magic happens. Modernized with state-of-the-art machinery yet steeped in the traditions of old-world craftsmanship, the factory combines the best of both eras. One machine, dubbed “La Bicicleta,” still has handlebars, pedals, and a horn, a nod to its origins as a hand-cranked machine. RAW’s production includes machines like “The Symphony,” a high-tech apparatus with multiple processes in one, which personifies how Josh has merged innovation with a respect for the past.
Staying True in a Changing World
Throughout the rise and proceeding dominance of social media, RAW has managed to stay relevant without compromising its authenticity. Josh attributes this to his genuine passion for the product and his eagerness to share it with others.
Social media became a platform for him to educate smokers on the history and nuances of rolling papers, dispelling myths and preserving the craft’s heritage. Though, according to Josh, many of his early videos were “annoyed storytelling” to debunk inaccuracies, he ultimately saw them as a way to connect with the RAW community.
The RAW brand voice is distinct, speaking directly to a community that values transparency and authenticity. RAW’s social media strategy revolves around storytelling and education rather than conventional marketing.
Giving Back: RAW Giving
Beyond business, Josh has remained deeply committed to social causes. Through RAW Giving, the brand has donated over $3 million to organizations focused on criminal justice reform, homelessness, animal welfare, and entrepreneurship. Notably, in 2024, RAW donated $200,000 to the Last Prisoner Project and $100,000 to the Weldon Project, both of which support individuals affected by cannabis-related offenses. Additional donations went to animal shelters and emergency housing programs in Arizona.
Josh believes that “true wealth is what you give away,” a philosophy that guides RAW Giving’s mission. He vets every donation personally to help ensure each dollar goes toward making a meaningful impact. In the aftermath of a huge lawsuit victory, he pledged to donate the net proceeds to causes that align with his vision for social justice and community improvement, and has recently made good on that promise.
“RAW Giving has saved and improved the lives of so many beautiful humans,” Josh said.
Also read: RollPros and the Art of Pre-Roll Perfection
The Legacy of RAW
As RAW continues to expand its offerings, including recent innovations like the RAW Classic Phatty Papers, the brand remains dedicated to its roots. He sees himself as a link in a long chain of artisans, preserving the art of rolling papers for future generations.
“Someone after us will make better [papers] than us,” he said. “That’s the way humanity has always been.”
As RAW’s sesh circle continues to grow, Josh remains committed to his simple yet profound mission: to make his best rolling paper possible and share it with the world.
The post RAW Passion: How Josh Kesselman Revolutionized Rolling Papers appeared first on Cannabis & Tech Today.