Traveling The World With Legal Cannabis: Fascinating Case Of Lawyer Who Carries Marijuana In His Luggage

Piero Liebman is not your typical lawyer. At 31, this specialist in public international law embarked on a journey many might consider risky: traveling the world with 40 grams of dried cannabis flowers and 10 grams of medical marijuana extract in his luggage. His mission? To prove that access to health should know no borders.

Armed with his Reprocann permit – an authorization from Argentina allowing patients to use cannabis for medicinal purposes – Piero set off to places like Barcelona, Berlin, London, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay and El Salvador. At each stop, he not only sought to assert his rights as a patient but also to establish precedents and spark conversations about the need for more inclusive regulations.

The Argentine Cannabis Advocate Lands In Europe

Piero’s journey began on March 10, 2023 with a trip to Barcelona where he attended Spannabis, one of the world’s leading cannabis fairs. “The idea for the journey stemmed from the strong ties between Europe and Argentina around cannabis regulations. More companies are eager to come here, and I already have several clients there,” he explained in an interview.

Before his departure, he conducted meticulous research into European laws and bilateral agreements with Argentina. Spanish consular authorities in Argentina advised him to carry his Reprocann permit along with a doctor’s prescription. He also consulted Spain’s Tax Agency and airport customs, ultimately entering Spain via Uruguay without issue.

In Germany and the United Kingdom, Piero continued his travels with his medical marijuana in hand. Although each country has its own regulations regarding the medicinal use of cannabis, his experience underscored the …

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