Who Is Buying Marijuana And Why? Market Data Provides Behavior, Profiles & Insights For Investors

A recent report by Numerator, a first-party consumer-sourced data company, offers in-depth insights into the behaviors and profiles of contemporary cannabis consumers.

The study, which surveyed nearly 6,000 current and past users of THC and CBD highlights significant differences in consumer demographics, usage patterns and spending habits. Investors looking to capitalize on the growing cannabis market should pay close attention to these findings.

Who Is Using Cannabis?

The report reveals distinct user profiles for THC and CBD consumers, with the former tending to be younger Gen Z and Millennials, with 61% using cannabis daily or weekly.

In contrast, CBD users are generally older, with a significant portion being Baby Boomers who consume CBD less frequently, typically less than weekly.

This age disparity translates into different spending habits, with THC users spending between $26 and $100 monthly, while CBD users spend less than $25.

Why People Choose Cannabis?

Stress relief, sleep and

Full story available on Benzinga.com